Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Vegan Sex Ed


Paladin said...

I dunno.... The girl carrot is sending definite nonverbal signals that she's not digging the boy carrot.

hiswiserangel said...

She's just modest, Paladin. If her other leg was crossed, facing her away from the boy carrot, that would indicate disinterest. There are other reasons for her carroty legs to be crossed, but I don't want to be "indelicate". ~snort~

crankyjohn said...

Looks like that male carrot is making unwanted advances. The female carrot should pee herself so she does not get raped.

Robert Fowler said...

Your spending too much time in the produce section.

hiswiserangel said...

Heh, was waiting for the rape meme to pop up. Um, so to speak.

Robert, why does everybody think they're funny? ;-)